SFN 2017 Travel Grant Competition

The winning entries have been decided! Find out who won the $1000 prizes.

Congratulations to Hugo Kim and Carmen Lorenz, winners of the Proteintech SFN 2017 Travel Grant Competition.

Both winners  are  awarded  $1000 each  to attend the SFN annual meeting in Washington D.C.

Thank you to all who entered the competition. Check back for more competitions and travel grants on our company news section and social media pages.

Winning abstracts

Jae Mun (Hugo) Kim's abstract:

 ‘Until recently, obtaining information about which genes are turned on at single cells has been difficult, if not impossible. Kim and colleagues at the University of Southern California have developed a technique called PAIA (Patch-aRNA in vitro transcription amplification), which is an improved method to study the genetic transcripts in single cells and which will expand our ability to answer questions about differences in gene expression among individual cells.’

On winning the award, Hugo says: ‘I am so excited to have a great chance to meet awesome neuroscientists from all over the world!’

Carmen Lorenz’s abstract:

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are strongly linked to diseases affecting the nervous system. Lorenz and colleagues at the Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin Germany have generated iPSC-derived NPCs from patients carrying MT-ATP6 mutations. Obtained data suggest that patient-derived NPCs represent an effective model that might help to discover new treatment strategies regarding debilitating mtDNA encephalopathies.

Carmen said: “Neuroscience is so fascinating and I look forward to learn about the latest insights. I am very happy to receive the Proteintech SFN Travel Grant and can’t wait to go to the conference.”

The award

The travel competition was open to any scientist planning to attend the SFN 2017 meeting and offers  2  x  $1,000  awards  towards the cost of registration, travel, and accommodation in Washington D.C.

Entry Deadline:  September 15, 2017

Winner Announcement:  October, 2 2017

Look out for updates and announcements via our social media pages.  @proteintech.

SFN  Travel Grant Competition FAQS

1. Who can enter?

Any scientist planning to attend the SFN 2017 meeting in November can enter the competition. However, they must be based at a University or research institution. Scientists from private companies are not eligible to enter the competition.

2. When is the entry deadline?

The deadline for all entries is September, 15 2017

3. How do I enter?

Please complete the entry form above, including an abstract of your current research.

4. How will the winners be picked?

Proteintech has assembled a group of academic peers to pick the winners based on which research abstracts they deem most interesting in the field of neuroscience research.

5. When will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced on October 2 at ptglab.com, Proteintech social media and via the Proteintech email newsletter. The winner will be emailed by a representative from Proteintech before this date.

6. What expenses can I be reimbursed for?

Proteintech Group will cover the cost of accommodation for the duration of SFN, your return airfare to Washington D.C, and a full delegate registration pass up to the value of $1000.

7. How will I be reimbursed?

Once proof of payment for each expense has been received, Proteintech Group will issue a check to the winners for the total amount spent on the expenses covered.

8. When will I be reimbursed?

Proteintech Group will reimburse the winners within seven days of receiving proof of payment.

9. Can I be reimbursed if I have already paid for my travel, etc?

Yes. Proteintech Group can still cover the costs if you provide receipts of the itinerary you have already booked.

10. What is the total amount I can receive to cover my costs?

The travel awards offered will cover costs up to a total amount of $1000 for each winner. Entrants are only eligible to receive the accommodation, travel, and registration costs pertaining to the SFN meeting. If the total amount of these costs does not reach $1000, the entrant is unable to claim the remaining balance.

11. Will the winners be required to do anything after the announcement?

By submitting an entry for the competition, all entrants agree to participate in all promotional opportunities, including, but not limited to, press releases, media interviews, advertisements, social media, videos, etc. For any further information, please email kier@ptglab.com.

SFN 2017 Travel Grant Terms and Conditions

  1. Only applicants from Universities and Research Institutions are eligible to take part in this competition.

  2. This award will cover only the cost of registration, accommodation, and transport to the SFN 2017 meeting, to the total value of $1000. Any remaining balance available after these costs have been covered is not transferrable and cannot be used for other expenses.

  3. By taking part in the competition, you agree to take part in any marketing and PR activities that Proteintech deems necessary. These may include the following: An interview, featuring on Proteintech blog/website, and associated press releases.

  4. The deadline for entries to be submitted September 15 2017. Any applications submitted after this date will not be eligible.

  5. Applicants can only submit one entry. Any further entries will not be eligible. Applicants must complete the application form in full.

  6. The applicant must be available to attend the SFN meeting in Washington D.C between November 11-15 2017. The travel grant applies only to the SFN 2017 meeting. The reimbursement cannot be used for any other meeting.

  7. The winning applicants will receive this travel grant via reimbursement from Proteintech Group.

  8. The recipient must provide receipts for their SFN registration, accommodation, and travel to receive reimbursement.  

  9. The recipient will receive reimbursement within 7 days of proof of expense being obtained.

  10. The reimbursement can only be paid to the individual or institution that originally paid for the travel expenses, registration and accommodation.

  11. The winners will be decided by the Proteintech scientific writing team and an assisting group of scientific peers. The winning entries will be the abstract deemed most interesting by the panel.

  12. The decision on which applicant’s win is at the discretion of Proteintech Group and their decision is final.

  13. This competition is not affiliated with SFN-sponsored travel awards in any way.

